What is Quality Assurance?

Quality assurance is defined as the maintenance of a desired quality of service especially by means of attention to every detail of the process of delivery. In the call center field, there are quality assurance processes in place to ensure that during a customer interaction a consistent standard of service is maintained.
The highest duty of call center management is to develop the operational controls to ensure the level of customer service experiences rendered match the desired outcomes. Customers need to be satisfied, but at the same time protect the organization and optimize the resources available.
Everybody who has ever communicated with a call center agent, has heard the phrase; “This call is being recorded for quality purposes”. These recorded conversations are monitored by a quality assurance team to check for the quality of service given.
Following is a summary of the benefits to expect when you are observing stringent quality assurance measures:
- Increased customer satisfaction
- Problem recognition hence suitable solutions provided
- Increased agent productivity
- Improved and increased sales
- Improved call efficiency
- Increased agent knowledge and competencies
- Rapid business growth — hence increased profitability
- Positive branding
- Utilization of resources — For example: proper use of agent time
- Increased sales
- Improved business working relationship between call center and clients
The challenge: How to ensure consistent quality service delivery
As stated above, customer satisfaction is of utmost importance to a contact center and to the survival of your business. Quality service delivery guarantees happy customers who in turn become brand advocates; the ripple effect is worth every effort.
The challenge then becomes how to keep your customer happy. Traditional solutions rely on manual methods, which are labor intensive and time consuming. Can you imagine trying to listen to all inbound or outbound calls in your center? It would require you to employ a large dedicated team to this process or to ignore the quality assurance step completely. Both options have negative impact to the quality of your service delivery.
However, there is a solution to meet the needs and desires of all stakeholders in the contact center.
The solution: Quality Assurance Software
Quality assurance software can ease your QA monitoring needs. Yes, we understand you have performance monitoring metrics in place, some of which are quality specific. A quality assurance program goes the extra mile to improve efficiency and effectiveness of operations in your call center.
Key areas that a quality assurance program addresses:
Opportunity Identification
This program identifies problem areas and growth opportunities. Without identifying these areas, the quality assurance process will be meaningless. This information provides a roadmap to improve service delivery, customer satisfaction and sales conversions.
Business Insights
In the process of gathering information, insights are uncovered on business intelligence. Using the data from your customers and understanding their perceptions on your pricing, promotions, new products and competitor offerings help your company to make informed decisions. Decisions based on verifiable statistics are a sure way to grow your business as well as make your leadership more efficient and effective.
Customer Experiences
Customers are the lifeblood of your business and that is why exceptional customer experiences are the ultimate goal. Monitoring the interactions for quality of service rendered help to discover gaps in the process. The result is to provide proactive solutions that eliminate customer dissatisfaction. Sharing these learning’s with your training team can help to ensure that all agents – new and existing are better equipped.
Sales Conversion
Without increased sales volumes, your business revenue will deteriorate. The ability to steadily increase sales conversion is a big part of the quality assurance program. Closely monitoring the selected agents will enable you to assess their selling skills, identify the training needs and empower agents to sell more.
Human Monitoring
Much of today’s quality monitoring is highly automated to capture the data in the end-to-end call process. Insights are then gathered on voice recognition. However, due to the increasing complexity of service delivery, human intervention is required to effectively monitor and measure the quality of service. Automation is good, and when combined with qualified personnel, the results are timely and reliable.
In conclusion, quality assurance monitoring is the only guarantee you have to increased customer satisfaction, sales conversion and service delivery in general. Utilizing quality assurance software with a human touch makes it better and more reliable.