The Art of Leading with Creativity

Etech’s 12 Character Commitments Part – 11
Over 12 years ago we made the decision to implement a new philosophy on leadership that supports our vision to make a remarkable difference for each other, our customers, and within our communities. Our goal was to inspire the Etech leadership team to embrace the challenge to conform our company to a servant-led organization. The pillars of Etech’s servant leadership culture are our 12 leadership commitments.
Those commitments are:
- Being a positive influence
- Valuing others
- Leading with integrity
- Leading with humility
- Leading with courage
- Being a team player
- Communicating well
- Holding yourself and others accountable
- Adapting to change
- Being a lifelong learner
- Being creative
- Embracing, living, and casting our vision
I encourage each of you to read, embrace, and self-evaluate Today I will address Creativity.
At Etech, creativity is defined as purposefully seeking to think outside the box to solve problems; finding new and resourceful ways to do things; and encouraging others to brainstorm, think creatively, and share ideas. Creative leaders are consistently looking for solutions to problems, not surrendering to excuses.
Below are some ways to practice creativity in the workplace.
1. Take breaks
Taking a break from the chaos can help refresh your mind and enable you to return to the problem with a new perspective.
2. Step out of your comfort zone
To be creative, you need to try new things. Take a few risks and step out of your comfort zone. Thomas Edison made over 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at patenting the light bulb. After his 1,000th failure, he responded, “I haven’t failed, I have just found 1,000 ways that won’t work.”
3. Ask questions
Asking questions is one of the best ways to get creative. When you ask questions, you open your mind to new possibilities.
4. Experiment
Experimenting with new ideas and approaches can help you come up with creative solutions.
5. Talk to others
Talking to other people can help you come up with new ideas and perspectives. At times, I will call people outside of Etech to discuss the challenges we are facing just to get a fresh perspective.
6. Keep an open mind
Keeping an open mind allows you to explore different options and come up with creative solutions.
7. Listen
Instead of listening in order to respond, listen to learn! Really listening to the ideas and suggestions of others can help you come up with new ideas.
8. Take notes
While you are really listening, taking notes of the ideas and thoughts shared can help you develop and refine them.
9. Be flexible
Being flexible and adaptable to change can help you come up with creative solutions. We often impose our own boundaries which stifle creativity. The only boundaries that matter are if the solution has integrity and is in the best interest of the company.
I encourage you to lead and serve with creativity, it is a choice you get to make each day.
Until next time, may you make a difference in the lives of the people you touch each day.